=== Continuous announcement scroller === Contributors: www.gopiplus.com, gopiplus Donate link: http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/ Author URI: http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/ Plugin URI: http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/ Tags: continuous, announcement, scroller, message Requires at least: 3.4 Tested up to: 6.0 Stable tag: 13.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This plugin will create a vertical scroll continuous announcement for your wordpress website. == Description == This plugin will create a vertical scroll continuous announcement for your wordpress website. Check official website for live demo [http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/) * [Live Demo](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/) * [More info](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/) * [Comments/Suggestion](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/) * [About author](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/) Continuous announcement scroller wordpress plugin create an announcement widget in the website, it's not a simply message display instead the message will scroll vertically from bottom to top like roller and many message display at the same time. This plugin will support multilingual content. There is separate text management page available in the dashboard to add the announcement content. **Features of this plugin** 1. Easy installation. 2. Widgets, so you can add pretty much anything. 3. Easy scroller setting. 3. Can arrange the message order easily(see faq). 4. Can disable the message temporary. 5. Option to control scrolling speed and delay. == Installation == **Method 1** 1. Download the plugin continuous-announcement-scroller.zip from download location. 2. Unpack the continuous-announcement-scroller.zip file 3. Extract the /continuous-announcement-scroller/ folder. 4. Drop the continuous-announcement-scroller folder into your ‘wp-content/plugins’ folder. 5. In word press administration panels, click on plug-in from the menu. 6. You should see your new continuous announcement scroller plug-in listed. 7. To turn the word presses plug-in on, click activate. **Method 2** 1. Go to ‘add new’ menu under ‘plugins’ tab in your word-press admin. 2. Search continuous announcement scroller plugin using search option. 3. Find the plugin and click ‘Install Now’ link. 4. Finally click activate plug-in link to activate the plug-in. **Method 3** 1. Download the plugin continuous-announcement-scroller.zip from download location. 2. Go to ‘add new’ menu under ‘plugins’ tab in your word press admin. 3. Select upload link (top link menu). 4. Upload the available continuous-announcement-scroller.zip file and click install now. 5. Finally click activate plug-in link to activate the plug-in. == Frequently Asked Questions == 1. Can I display more news at same time? 2. Can I display announcement in random order? 3. Can I arrange the news scroll order? 4. Can I hide the any news temporary? 5. Can I set expiration for announcement? 6. Can I add font color? 7. Why my message content out of range? 8. How many message display at same time? 9. What is "Display number of record at the same time in scroll"? 10. What is "Enter max number of record to scroll"? 11. How to add HTML content in the message box? [Answer](http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/) = Translators = * English (en_EN) - [Gopi Ramasamy](http://www.gopiplus.com/) * Polish (pl_PL) - [Abdul Sattar](https://www.couponmachine.in/) == Screenshots == 1. Front Screen. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/ 2. Admin Screen. http://www.gopiplus.com/work/2010/09/04/continuous-announcement-scroller/ == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = First version. = 2.0 = More help included. = 3.0 = Admin security option included ( Only admin user can see this plugin) = 5.0 = 3.0 bug solved = 6.0 = Tested upto 3.3 = 7.0 = Now option to display random order Tested up to 3.3.1 = 8.0 = Tested up to 3.4 = 9.0 = New demo link, http://www.gopiplus.com = 10.0 = Tested up to 3.4.2 = 10.1 = Tested up to 3.5 = 11.0 = Tested up to 3.6 = 11.1 = Minor change in the admin layout. = 11.2 = 1. Tested up to 3.8 2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. Plugin *.po file (continuous-scroller.po) available in the languages folder. = 11.3 = 1. Tested up to 3.9 2. Restricted direct page access. = 11.4 = 1. New options to add Publish date and Expiration date for announcement. Those who are getting problem after plugin upgrade. Please Deactivate and Activate the plugin manually once. So the plugin will start the work as usual. = 11.5 = 1. Tested up to 4.0 = 11.6 = 1. In Setting Management admin page, New option added to control scrolling speed and delay. = 11.7 = 1. Tested up to 4.1 = 11.8 = 1. Tested up to 4.2.2 = 11.9 = 1. Tested up to 4.3 = 11.10 = 1. Tested up to 4.3.1 2. Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs. = 11.11 = 1. Tested up to 4.4 = 11.12 = 1. Tested up to 4.5 2. Sanitization added for all input value. = 12.0 = 1. Tested up to 4.6 = 12.1 = 1. Tested up to 4.7 = 12.2 = 1. Tested up to 4.8 = 12.3 = 1. Tested up to 4.9 = 12.4 = 1. Tested up to 5.2 2. Uninstall option added. All plugin reference and plugin table will be cleared during uninstallation. 3. Converted admin JS alert message into WP class file. = 12.5 = 1. Tested up to 5.3 = 12.6 = 1. Tested up to 5.4 = 12.7 = 1. Tested up to 5.5 = 12.8 = 1. Tested up to 5.7 = 12.9 = 1. Tested up to 5.8 2. Shortcode option added in the plugin. 3. Use the short code in the site Editor/Widget. = 13.0 = 1. Tested up to 5.9 == Changelog == = 1.0 = First version = 2.0 = More help included. = 3.0 = Admin security option included ( Only admin user can see this plugin) = 5.0 = 3.0 bug solved = 6.0 = Tested up to 3.3 = 7.0 = Now option to display random order Tested up to 3.3.1 = 8.0 = Tested up to 3.4 = 9.0 = New demo link, http://www.gopiplus.com = 10.0 = Tested up to 3.4.2 = 10.1 = Tested up to 3.5 = 11.0 = Tested up to 3.6 = 11.1 = Minor change in the admin layout. = 11.2 = 1. Tested up to 3.8 2. Now this plugin supports localization (or internationalization). i.e. option to translate into other languages. Plugin *.po file (continuous-scroller.po) available in the languages folder. = 11.3 = 1. Tested up to 3.9 2. Restricted direct page access. = 11.4 = 1. New options to add Publish date and Expiration date for announcement. Those who are getting problem after plugin upgrade. Please Deactivate and Activate the plugin manually once. So the plugin will start the work as usual. = 11.5 = 1. Tested up to 4.0 = 11.6 = 1. In Setting Management admin page, New option added to control scrolling speed and delay. = 11.7 = 1. Tested up to 4.1 = 11.8 = 1. Tested up to 4.2.2 = 11.9 = 1. Tested up to 4.3 = 11.10 = 1. Tested up to 4.3.1 2. Text Domain slug has been added for Language Packs. = 11.11 = 1. Tested up to 4.4 = 11.12 = 1. Tested up to 4.5 2. Sanitization added for all input value. = 12.0 = 1. Tested up to 4.6 = 12.1 = 1. Tested up to 4.7 = 12.2 = 1. Tested up to 4.8 = 12.3 = 1. Tested up to 4.9 = 12.4 = 1. Tested up to 5.2 2. Uninstall option added. All plugin reference and plugin table will be cleared during uninstallation. 3. Converted admin JS alert message into WP class file. = 12.5 = 1. Tested up to 5.3 = 12.6 = 1. Tested up to 5.4 = 12.7 = 1. Tested up to 5.5 = 12.8 = 1. Tested up to 5.7 = 12.9 = 1. Tested up to 5.8 2. Shortcode option added in the plugin. 3. Use the short code in the site Editor/Widget. = 13.0 = 1. Tested up to 5.9